May 28, 2022

Sweden universities without IELTS

Apart from selecting the renowned abroad study destinations, the study in Sweden is becoming a frontrunner. The study in Sweden has become a preference of many students. There are countless reasons behind the selection of obtaining education in Sweden. A widespread cause for getting an education there is the Sweden universities without IELTS.

Yes, that’s true. Some options assist the students in getting an education in Sweden universities without IELTS.

We have helped many aspiring in shortlisting the abroad study destination. We have the highest successful visa ratio in Sweden study visas despite this. The testimonials and success stories of those aspiring students can be viewed on our website.

In this blog, we will highlight the names of the renowned educational institutes in Sweden, along with the Sweden universities without IELTS.

   . Uppsala University

Uppsala University is the first university in Sweden and the Nordic region. There is almost 40,000 student body across the campus.

The university has over 5,000 researchers, and teachers undertake world-class research and provide a diverse educational experience. Uppsala University and Lund University are Swedish academia’s historical and traditional heart, making them prominent reference points in Swedish literature, art, and film.

Major disciplines:

  • Medical
  • BioMedical
  • Arts
  • Science and Technology
  • Social Science
  • Law

However, Uppsala University is among the Sweden universities without IELTS that allows the students to be admitted. In contrast, the without IELTS conditions may vary from program to program.

  • Halmstad University

The Innovation-Driven University is another name for Halmstad University. It teaches and researches in a wide range of fields, but three focus areas stand out:

  • Innovation Sciences
  • Information Technology
  • Health and Lifestyle

This institute fosters an atmosphere conducive to innovation-driven research in three key areas: innovation science, information technology, and health and lifestyle.

Halmstad University’s research is well-known internationally and is emulated in interdisciplinary innovation and research contexts.

Major Disciplines:

  • Business, Management and leadership
  • Engineering and Science
  • Health and Welfare
  • Education, Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Information Technology

Through extensive and well-recognized engagement with both the corporate and public sectors, the university plays an active role in the development of society. This institute is also comprised of Sweden universities without IELTS for students opting for their degree in STEM disciplines.


  • Gothenburg University

In 1891, Gothenburg University College became the University of Gothenburg. The Swedish government granted it the same status as Uppsala University and Lund University in 1907, making it Sweden’s third university.

The University of Gothenburg is one of Sweden’s most diverse and resourceful universities, with eight colleges and 38 departments. Its eight colleges provide education in:

  • Creative Arts
  • Social Sciences
  • Natural Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Education
  • Information Technology
  • Economics
  • Law and Health Sciences


In several of its areas and courses, the University of Gothenburg has the highest number of applicants per study place, making it one of Sweden’s most well-known universities.

However, Gothenburg University is among the Sweden universities without IELTS.

  • Linnaeus University

Linnaeus University is a renowned university in Sweden with around 31,000 students currently enrolled. About 150 programmes are being offered at the university.

Major Disciplines:

  • Accounting and Logistics
  • Biology and Environmental Science
  • Building Technology
  • Built Environment and Energy Technology
  • Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences
  • Computer Science and Media Technology
  • Design
  • Economics and Statistics
  • Education and Teachers’ Practice
  • Film and Literature
  • Forestry and Wood Technology
  • Health and Caring Sciences

In addition to these programs, other disciplines are being offered too.

  • University of Skovde

The University of Skovde is a famous institute in Sweden. Its ranking stands in the top 25 institutes in Sweden.

The University of Skövde is a modern and inviting institution with world-class programmes and internationally competitive research, and it is a location where we strive for the highest achievements.

The University of Skövde provides diverse English-taught international master’s programmes.

Flagship Programs include:

  • Molecular Biodesign
  • Biomedicine
  • Molecular Bioinformatics
  • Bioscience
  • Behavioural science
  • Health science
  • Engineering
  • Informatics
  • Game development

This institute is also comprised of Sweden universities without IELTS for students opting for their degree in STEM disciplines.