The UK government has announced a new graduate route for international students. In this route, the international students who will complete a Ph.D. from the UK in Summer 2021, they will be able to stay in the UK for the duration of 3 years. Within these 3 years’ duration, they can live and work in the UK without any interruption.
The international students who complete a Ph.D. from Summer 2021 session or onwards, they can stay in the UK for 3 years’ duration after study to live and work.
News Updates on Graduate Route
This route is planned to be launched in the summer of 2021. This route will be applicable for all the international students enrolled in UK universities, and they will be able to pursue the work as they complete their studies. To be eligible for this permit is only to be enrolled in UK universities. If the students want to continue their courses by distance or blended learning, they will still be eligible to go for the Graduate route.
Requirements for International students
The student visa is opened for EU, EEA and Swiss citizens. To be able to apply for the study visa the students must be:
- Offered a placement on a course in a UK university
- Must be able to prove language proficiency
- Must be financially stable to support oneself in the UK, and be able to pay the fees for course
The new graduation immigration route will be able for those international students who have completed a degree from the UK from the summer session 2021. Afterwards, these graduates will be able to stay in the UK, they can also work in the UK, for 2 years without any interruption.
Post Study Work
The United Kingdom government announced the post-study work visa. In this visa, the Tier 4 students who will have completed their degree courses in the summer of 2021 or after it, they will be eligible to apply. This also includes the current students who also have started their courses. The successful candidates will be able to work in the UK; they are not restricted to work in any sector. Moreover, students can also opt for skilled worker positions. By this Visa, the students will be able to hold professional skilled work experience in the UK, which will bring a strong impact on their professional careers. This two years’ permit will not be extendable. The students who have been graduated from the UK, are not eligible to apply. There are many opportunities available for international students who want to work in the UK, as this permit is of great importance.
The same rule is applied to Pakistani students, so if they go for the study in the UK, in the coming academic years, they also have a great opportunity to stay in the UK, and work after their graduation.
The UK government has also affirmed that the students who opt for distance learning in the academic year of 2020-2021, they will also be eligible for Graduation Route.